020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

Bethnal Green, E2

Pleasure to be working with Rom Construction Ltd again over in East London.We’ve been on site taking final measurements to replace 6 large skylights as well as significant repairs to the parapets and ridge to extend the church roofs’ lifespan.Always very impressed how...

Two new tender wins under way this week

Hackney, N16 Complete re-roof using Spanish CUPA slate and replacement lead gutters.Northwood, HA6Warm deck liquid system using Sika and upgrade of UPVC fascia to the entire perimeter. Welfare is set up Scaffolding checked Full time, fully trained teams ready to go...

Hannover Terrace, NW1

This traditional butterfly roof on a mews house in Regents Park was leaking heavily and not in keeping with listed building consent.A new valley gutter was constructed, with sufficiently sized ventilated bays either side, ready to receive code 5 lead, followed by...

GWS Roofing

At GWS ROOFING SPECIALISTS LIMITED we are constantly looking at ways to learn and improve.Whether that be upskilling our installers or re-training our site managers we are always seeking ways to develop a deeper understanding of our industry and find ways to establish...