020 8866 0600 admin@gwsroofing.co.uk

Thank you Greg

Thank you Greg Homer Skyline Roofing Centres Needed some 2nd hand pan tiles to finish a job. They were identified, sourced and got into branch within 3 days. I’m loaded and gone by 7:15am. Thanks as always for your help Greg 👍🏻👏🏻...

Building and protecting our reputation

Building a reputation is one thing. Protecting it is another… I could post pictures for days of beautiful ornate leadwork and/or the sun shining of a glistening new slate roof. ☀️😍 The truth is we make mistakes along the way to completing...

What is your USP?

At GWS, ours is that we do not sub contract any of our work out. Our staff are specialised in their particular field within the industry which allows us to carry out all types of projects, many of which require different skill sets. Our guarantees are with us and us...

What would be your no.1 ‘non negotiable?’

At GWS it’s to assess and value safety above and before winning any job. This approach can sometimes mean we earn less and in some cases mean we do not earn at all through not being awarded contracts because our approach means we are too expensive. Here are three...