NFRC Competent Roofer Contractor in London

NFRC Roofing Competent Person Scheme - GWS Roofing

We have been vetted by the Competent Roofer programme. Competent Roofer provides certification to the roofing industry as a “Competent Person” scheme operator under Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) Building Regulations for the replacement of roof coverings on all roof types.

When 50% or more of the roof is being replaced, it is a legally requirement to notify the Local Authority Building Control (LABC) and comply with the relevant Building Regulations. As Competent Roofer registered contractors, we are authorised to self-certify our roof refurbishment work to confirm that it complies with the Building Regulations. We ensure that the relevant LABC is notified when the work is taking place, and once the work has been completed.

The scheme recognises our skills, and competencies – and for you, our recognition alleviates the hassle, and cost of requiring the involvement of LABC or an Approved Inspector.

Our experienced team are ready to talk to you about your project

See some of our Recent Projects

Flat Roofing